How to Install SuperLaces
SuperLaces make it super easy to customize the fit and feel of you laces.
Count the eyelets on your shoes and select Comfort or Performance from the list below to get some ideas.
Comfort Laces
Performance Laces
Lacing comfort fit (C2) SuperLaces
Options for lacing 3 eyelet shoes
E4C Standard

E4C Simple

Options for lacing 4 eyelet shoes
E4C Standard

E4C Simple

E4C Minimal

Options for lacing 5 eyelet shoes
E5C Standard

E5C Simple

E5C Minimal

Options for lacing 6 eyelet shoes
E6C Standard

E6C Simple

E6C Minimal

Lacing performance fit (P4) superlaces
Options for lacing 4 eyelet shoes
E4P Standard

Options for lacing 5 eyelet shoes
E5P Standard

E5P Standard

E5P Minimal

Options for lacing 6 eyelet shoes
E6P Standard

E6P Simple

E6P Crossed